
Wie behebt man den Fehler NET HELPMSG 2182 in Windows 10?

Posted by juanvelasco

Der Windows-eigene Editor bietet sich hierfür an, er ist besonders schlank, zum Start drücken Sie Windows-R und tippen notepad ein. Auch können Sie diesen Befehl – statt über den Ausführen-Dialog – mittels einer Kommandozeile absetzen. Angenehm ist, dass die virtuelle Tastatur sowohl mit Kommandozeilen samt normaler Rechte als auch mit CMD-Instanzen mit erhöhten, also Administrator-Rechten zusammenarbeitet. Die Buchstaben, die Sie im osk-Fenster anklicken, erscheinen im CMD-Befehlsfenster. Statt händisch die Inhalte aus der Kommandozeilen-Liste zu kopieren, leiten Sie das Ergebnis etwa des driverquery-Befehls in die Zwischenablage um. Im Anschluss fügen Sie es mithilfe Strg-V in einem Schreibprogramm wie dem Editor (notepad.exe) ein.

  • Erfolgt etwa die DVD-Wiedergabe mit angezogener Handbremse, schauen Sie im Geräte-Manager, ob der Systemdienst läuft (Win-R drücken, services.msc eingeben).
  • Vollständige Erklärungen kann leider auch dieser Artikel nicht liefern – denn es ist häufig nur grob benannt, was welcher Dienst tut und etwaige weitere Abhängigkeiten bleiben im Dunkeln.
  • Dieser erfordert den VirtualisiererWindows Virtual PC – der Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise oder Ultimate voraussetzt.

AVMs FritzBoxen sind mächtige Router, die viele Funktionen mitbringen. In der offline nutzbaren FritzBox Bibel erfahren Sie auf über 350 PDF-Seiten, wie Sie den (Modem-)Router einrichten, Ihr WLAN konfigurieren und mit dem Gerät telefonieren.

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Der Inhalt des angegebenen Verzeichnisses klappt nach oben auf. Beachten Sie, dass zur Nutzung der Anwendung “.NET Core Runtime” zu installieren ist. Um ein Widget alias Gadget zu nutzen, verwenden Sie das Einstellungsfenster von Thoosje Windows Sidebar 8. Dem Aufruf dient ein Rechtsklick auf die Sidebar(-Leiste) und die Wahl des Kontextmenüeintrags “Open gadget Manager”. Klicken Sie danach doppelt auf das Werkzeug Ihrer Wahl, das den Desktop bereichern soll. Alternativ fügen Sie Ihr Wunschutensil mithilfe eines Rechtsklicks und mittels Eintrag “Place gadget on screen” hinzu.

  • Das Programm besitzt Bearbeitungsfunktionen, mit denen Sie Videos unter anderem kürzen und so auf das Wesentliche reduzieren.
  • Nur das Entpacken beherrscht wiederum das schlanke Tool “Universal Extractor”.
  • Ebenso werden USB-Geräte von der virtuellen Maschine erkannt.
  • Die Systemwiederherstellung ist sehr nützlich, wenn Sie den Fehler vcruntime140_1.dll beheben möchten.
  • Es ist am besten, wenn möglich, die DLL-Dateien auszuwählen, deren Sprache der Sprache Ihres Programms entspricht.

Wenn die Chiffrier-Software bei Ihnen noch installiert ist und Sie selbst die Verschlüsselung vorgenommen haben, genügt für den Zugriff ein Doppelklick auf ein “axx”-Element. Diese Container beinhalten meist mehrere weitere Dateien, etwa Textdokumente, die dank Kompression weniger Speicherplatz benötigen. In Archiven verpackt, versenden Sie mehrere Dateien per E-Mail-Anhang in einem Rutsch; der vorauseilende Upload geht schneller. Es ist auch möglich, dass in den Archiven nur eine Datei steckt; diese wird je nach Inhalt mehr oder weniger stark komprimiert. Empfehlenswert ist ferner PhotoScape, das sich zum Betrachten, Verwalten und Bearbeiten von Bildern anbietet. PhotoScape gibt es in zwei Versionen, die App-basierte Variante ist optisch moderner als das Standardpendant.

Registrieren Sie DLL

Unter anderem beschert Ihnen das Update Funktions- und Leistungszuwachs. Es gibt ferner neue Anpassungsoptionen und Verbesserungen an der Benutzeroberfläche. An dieser Stelle wird Ihr Computer normal neu gestartet und startet mit der wiederhergestellten Version von Windows, und der Fehler vcruntime140_1.dll sollte behoben werden. Dieser Vorgang wird eine Weile dauern und es ist wichtig, zu warten, bis er abgeschlossen ist.

5 Ultimate Fixes to Windows 10 Stuck on Repairing Disk Errors

Posted by juanvelasco

As mentioned before, many a time in macOS, the most obvious issue is the one you should try to fix. In this case, it’s a corrupted DMG file, and you should try to download it again. That’s why you need this tool, as it has an unwavering ability to recover lost files and allows you to restore them comprehensively. Therefore, make sure you restore your files before proceeding with the DMG fixes. There is no one issue that causes the macOS to show errors when trying to open DMG files. In fact, there are many reasons why this could be happening. So, as mentioned before, it’s 0x3B important to understand the reasons as much as it’s important to apply the fixes.

  • This document is provided for self help purposes only.
  • Restart the Adobe application and try to re-create the problem.
  • If it does so, the TCP sender will retransmit the segment previous to the out-of-order packet and slow its data delivery rate for that connection.

After a series of manipulations motherboards could be cured and returned to the operating state. But the problem could not be solved by standard ‘home emergency kit’ and required specialized equipment.

Multipartite virus

If you are unable to access your storage device through USB, make sure to replace it with a new one. Another way to fix an I/O device error is by running diskpart cmd on your PC. This command will fix the issue by clearing the read-only attribute and formatting the drive with a regular file system. Windows can also crash due to a hardware-related problem. The upgrade process only requires a keyboard, mouse, monitor, and internet connection. If you cannot wait for the recovery process to complete, you can try another method. You can try a command to manually interrupt the scanning process.

That means that 23.3% of failed drives showed no warning from the SMART stats we record. I’ll let you decide if you’d like to have a sign of impending drive failure 76.7% of the time. While no single SMART stat is found in all failed hard drives, here’s what happens when we consider all five SMART stats as a group. Once you’ve got CrystalDiskInfo running, it’s a pretty straightforward app. The main view shows the S.M.A.R.T. status information for your hard drives.

Solution 4 System Restore

The TCP receiver sends a D-ACK to indicate that no segments were lost, and the TCP sender can then reinstate the higher transmission rate. In the example above, the receiver would send an ACK segment with a cumulative ACK value of 0x3B 2,000 and a SACK option header with sequence numbers 3,000 and 11,000. The sender would accordingly retransmit only the second segment with sequence numbers 2,000 to 2,999. Relying purely on the cumulative acknowledgment scheme employed by the original TCP can lead to inefficiencies when packets are lost.

If the environment is predictable, a timing based protocol such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode can avoid TCP’s retransmits overhead. The idea of a TCP accelerator is to terminate TCP connections inside the network processor and then relay the data to a second connection toward the end system. The data packets that originate from the sender are buffered at the accelerator node, which is responsible for performing local retransmissions in the event of packet loss. TCP Fast Open is an extension to speed up the opening of successive TCP connections between two endpoints. It works by skipping the three-way handshake using a cryptographic “cookie”. It is similar to an earlier proposal called T/TCP, which was not widely adopted due to security issues.

Best dating sites

Posted by juanvelasco

Many local newspapers had online personals in the mid 1990s but were bought out by these big dating sites. From some of the comments it really shows how desperate dating sites are for money that they even advertise in comment sections. You have a much better chance going to local events and you will probably spend less than what you would spend on an online dating site.

Other apps have indicated that they might actually move closer to Facebook. For example, Bumble, founded by a former Tinder executive, said they had already reached out to Facebook regarding how to collaborate. And, “One thing everyone seems to agree on is that Facebook’s effectively endorsing online dating will be a huge legitimization event for the industry,” says Jefferies Internet analyst Brent Thill. According to Amanda Bradford, chief executive of The League, an elite dating app, “Facebook is validating that dating is a high-tech industry with really interesting and hard problems to solve. Still, Facebook could face some obstacles in building enough separation between the dating service and the legacy social network; some users might not like having both activities live on one app.

After giving him some time to cope with his cat passing away, he made plans to see her again and she was thrilled. He canceled the date last minute again because he said his grandma had died. Although this seemed too tragic to be true, she gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was telling the truth. Additionally, if someone is giving you a checklist right away of all of the things they want in a future partner, this may be a red flag for some controlling behaviors. It’s one thing if they express their non-negotiables but it’s another thing entirely if they are listing required traits. If you feel like someone is already trying to change things about you to suit their needs, that’s not okay. How someone initiates a conversation with you will say a lot about how they view you as a person and how they might treat you as a partner.

Online dating users are more likely to describe their overall experience with using dating sites or apps in positive, rather than negative, terms. Some 57% of Americans who have ever used a dating site or app say their own personal experiences with these platforms have been very or somewhat positive. Still, about four-in-ten online daters (42%) describe their personal experience with dating sites or apps as at least somewhat negative. Happily, there are some dating services that are looking to overcome the vanity. For example, Hinge matches people based on personality and preferences and lets you create a more interesting and rounded profile to draw people in. One of the few dating sites designed for affairs, Ashley Madison connects users for discreet encounters.

Basically all a guy like you has to do is instantly grab her attention in a memorable way with both your profile and your messages, then spend the least amount of time possible convincing her to meet you in person. For those who are hesitant to enter the online dating world for reasons related to safety or awkward conversation lulls, Double aims to take the pressure off with Double dates as opposed to one-on-one.

State things that are really important to you and be done with it. Connor turned an attempt at small talk into a rant about “gold-digging whores,” and the dating app was not having it. Matt- But what about when you said you would meet me in real life and we would lose our virginity together. One Love educates young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowering them to identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better. If you are going somewhere that serves alcoholic beverages, most bartenders are using secret codes to help customers signal, privately, when they need help if they’re getting harassed or feeling unsafe on a bad date.

With no financial requirement, free sites will naturally attract a greater proportion of people who are not really committed to finding a genuine relationship. Memberships you gain additional features such as being able to send more messages and receiving event discounts.

Untangle the Red Tape

Posted by juanvelasco

In the last post we talked about how to bring the big-company mindset into your business and your team. This will help you overcome the mental obstacles that will keep you from being successful. Now, that you’ve learned how to overcome that, we’re going to talk about who your fish is. It’s important to know about the fish you are looking for before you put a plan together. We’re also going to take a moment to talk about the potential “red tape” you may encounter along the way.

The most important thing to know about your fish is their purchasing habits and procedures. There are four main things you need to work on in order to be successful:

  1. Responsibilities: You need to know who has influence over purchasing, who does the actual buying and who can kill a deal if they want.
  2. Get on Their List: You need to know how to get on their list of people to buy from. Your name needs to not only be on the list, but at the top of it and in as many categories as possible for the more interaction. Ask about a procurement program and what you need to do to go through the application process.
  3. Lingo: You need to learn the company’s unique language and communications methods. These could include report names, buzzwords and even the nicknames they have for their employees.
  4. Fiscal Budgets: It’s essential you know the fishes fiscal budget, so you know exactly when they are planning their expenses for the year. 

Now that we’ve talked a little about what you need to know about your fish, let’s a quick look at the “red tape”. 

Bureaucracy might as well be a four-letter word with the emotions it stirs in all of us. “Red tape” is a necessary evil, but one you can use to learn from. There are two ways to learn from their system:

  1. Analyze their activity.
  2. Review their correspondence.

Being an outsider looking in can have its advantages too. If you hate dealing with the “red tape”, imagine how their employees feel dealing with it. If they need to crunch some numbers, offer to do it. If they need more info, make sure you are giving it to them in a user-friendly way.

The things we talked about in this lesson will help you prepare for the big approach. If you need help with any of this, try our GUIDED TOUR to find the right tools to get the job done.

If you have a business and have not yet managed to start to create wealth and systems that allow you to take time off, build retirement accounts or pay for your children’s college, then learn and master the steps outlined in my book that I would like to share with you (link below). 

I am a huge advocate of education and mentorships. Get the right information, find someone that knows how to walk you through them and watch your quality of life take new shape.

Download my new book and I’ll show you how you can triple your current number of leads, double your sales and increase your annual revenue by $50,000 or more… and WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising… GUARANTEED!, visit

Dedicated to your Success!

Juan Velasco

Profit Acceleration CoachP.S.  ​If you have further questions about this article, please leave me a message and I’ll respond as soon as possible or book a 30 minutes  Complimentary Session to solve your most pressing challenge you have at this moment.

Be One with the Fish

Posted by juanvelasco

In the last post we started our series on catching big clients, or “fish”, that will sustain your business over the long run. Today we’re going to take that a step further by talking about how to understand and think like a big fish company and how that can help you plan your approach and find success.

Before you can start the process of landing big clients, you have to make sure your entire team is onboard with your approach and vision. There are six keys to finding big client success. They are:

  1. First Impression: You must remember you have one shot to land a big client. If you make a mistake, they aren’t going to consider you again. Never give them a reason to doubt your abilities.
  2. First Priority: Your fish must always feel like they are your first priority. Returns calls and emails immediately and find solutions to their problems or questions as quickly as possible. 
  3. Flexible: You need to be flexible in your negotiations. If they need a special service or for you to customize a product, say yes for the benefit of the long term. A little hassle now will be a big pay off later.
  4. Long-term: This goes along with the last one a bit. As you are approaching and negotiating with big fish you need to think about the long term benefits for your business. If you go for a ones-time big score you will lose their interest.
  5. Have Fun: Work should be fun, even when trying to land big clients. In fact, this should be the most fun. You are sharing your vision with new people and including them in your future success and likewise. People simply work better in a fun, happy environment. Your passion will also be contagious and pull the fish into your vision even more.
  6. Help Them: If you take just a little bit of time and offer your clients ways to save money or time by introducing them to potential business partners, this will show you really are invested and interested in their business. Strive to find balance between your business needs and your client’s needs.

There are also a few tactics you can use to bring in a big-company vision to the people on your team. You can:

  • Post these six keys for all to see.
  • Put together a performance based incentive program.
  • Conduct frequent team meetings.
  • Use a “right now” policy that dictates big fish calls be answered immediately.
  • Offer awards/recognition for big-company ideas and executions.
  • Put together a training and certification program based on the six keys above.

These 6 keys and tips will help you instill a big-company mindset through your company which will help you be more prepared and more likely to land your big fish. Once your team is thinking this way, you’ll be unstoppable.

If you need help putting together an incentive program or other way to push your team toward the big-company mindset, try our GUIDED TOUR to work with one of our coaches or check out our resources and tools.

If you have a business and have not yet managed to start to create wealth and systems that allow you to take time off, build retirement accounts or pay for your children’s college, then learn and master the steps outlined in my book that I would like to share with you (link below). 

I am a huge advocate of education and mentorships. Get the right information, find someone that knows how to walk you through them and watch your quality of life take new shape.

Download my new book and I’ll show you how you can triple your current number of leads, double your sales and increase your annual revenue by $50,000 or more… and WITHOUT spending a cent on marketing or advertising… GUARANTEED!, visit

Dedicated to your Success!

Juan Velasco

Profit Acceleration CoachP.S.  ​If you have further questions about this article, please leave me a message and I’ll respond as soon as possible or book a 30 minutes  Complimentary Session to solve your most pressing challenge you have at this moment.